She said his friends could sleep over in the big room downstairs.
柯林斯例句I didn't lose too much sleep over that investigation.
柯林斯例句That? Oh , I'm not losing any sleep over that decision.
对了, 就这两个学生有问题.
互联网It is the volatile type of trade that central bankers lose sleep over.
互联网Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: Not really.
你曾在别人家过夜: 不完全是.
互联网Mum, Mary is a sleep - over Sunday night.
妈妈, 周日同学们去玛丽家里过夜.
互联网It's very late now ─ why don't you sleep over?
现在已经很晚了为什么不就睡这儿 呢 ?
互联网I know you won't really lose sleep over something like this.
互联网Xiao ling sleep over the desk.
互联网If you don't want to drive, you're welcome to sleep over.
如果你今晚不想开车, 可以在我家过夜.
互联网The mistake you made isn all important . Please don't lose any sleep over it.
你犯的错误一点也不要紧. 请不必为此担忧.
互联网The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over.
互联网The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over after the birthday party.
互联网He went to sleep over his work.
互联网Can I sleep over?
我能在这儿借宿 吗 ?
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